Am I creating a sleep crutch????

I'm a FTM exclusively BF and had planned prior to my little one arriving 6/19 to only use the crib for sleeping. 
However, at about 5 days old he had a bad night and I ended up placing him in a bouncer with a vibration setting to sleep; and boy did it work. Now he doesn't wake up at night at all (granted I wake him up ever 3.5 hours to eat but he goes right back to sleep). 
Also I think he may have silent reflux causing him to wake himself up when he is laid flat on his back. Which causes him to make a choking sound, which of course scares me to death. 
My husband is concerned that we are creating a sleep crutch that he will never out grow. 
Our compromise is to talk with the pediatrician at our 2week appointment about possible reflux and the sleeping situation and in the meantime I'm going to continue using the bouncer with vibration.
Assuming I can I would want to transition him to the crib before 3 months. 
My question for all of you is if you have used an alternative form for sleeping and if the subsequent transition to the crib made it "impossible"???