Awkward situation for big day! 😩

Well I'm scheduled to induce on 4th of July and so got to admit into hospital on that day. My bf can't come in at the same time with me as he got work he couldn't take day off as he works at school and term is finishing soon so they can't give him any day off unless I'm going into labour. So, he's planning his mum to come with me when I go to hospital but I don't want his mum to come with me even tho I've known her so many years since I've been dating his son. I only want my be to be around, if he can't be there I like to do things independently on my own without feeling any discomfort. If his mum around and when the midwife starts their induction process like inserting pessary into my vagina or checking my cervical, I won't feel comfortable around her will put me some sort of pressure. I don't know how to explain him and worry he might get upset or sth. They were saying it's not nice to go in alone without having anyone when I admit into hospital to help me out but there will be midwives around to help if I need. The labour won't start straight away and will take hours or days to start and they can come later with her son after he finish work cos I will need to admit into hospital at 2pm and he finish work at 430pm. I don't want his mum around I'd rather be on my own. Is it too much or am I over reacting or do I really need to have someone to help me out other then midwife?Â