I need answers!

Kyleigh • Due July 20th, With a Baby girl 💕👶

*long but seriously need help*

Okay, so to get it started. Yesterday morning I got these sharp pains in my right side of my stomache, they were so painful I could barely walk, even laying in bed they hurt. And gradually throughout the day, they faded off. Then around 11:30 last night I randomly got this wave is nausea and started puking my guts out. I tried to sleep it off, but these pains came back, so me and my SO went to Labor and Delivery. The nurses who where working told me I was in labor, got me prepped to be put in a material room, and e everything, then checked my cervix and I was still only dialated a 1. (Ive been 1 cm dialated since 36 weeks). So they started to seem concerned, they took my blood pressure and it was high for my usual blood pressure (My normal blood pressure usually ranging from 90/50, and it was 124/80 last night) so they then took my pee and said I have protien and alot of white blood cells in my urine. So they ruled out that I either have pre-eclampsia or appendicitis. They did an ultrasound and checked my appendix, then about two hours after that i was sent home with litteraly no answer what so ever, to why I'm in so much pain. Mind you me and mg boyfriend where there from 12am to 9:30 no sleep. We get home, and about 20 minutes after we got here I got the sharp pains again but in the left side of my stomache, and I've tried showering to see if they ease, I've tried sleeping them off, nothing. Im very irritated that I was sent home with no answer to what it actually going on. And that I'm still in pain with your a reason to of why. So I'm just asking, have any of you other ladies had this? Could it be super bad ligament pain. I've tried searching Google and can't find any information, and the hospital obviously didn't give me an answer. The pain is like a stabbing pain in one side of my stomache that worsens when I walk, and causes me to stop in my tracks, and nothing helps it, it just kinda goes away on it's own after awhile. PLEASE don't not reply if you have any idea what this could be, I'm tired of the pain, and the hospital didn't give me any help, so look like I just have to solve it on my own, so if you've had this happen, or know what might be happening, please comment. (I'm 38 weeks BTW)