Rules for visiting mom..

I just read an article that was titled "10 Rules For Visiting A New Mom". 
Some of which included you must bring food, help with chores, and don't ask to hold the baby. 
Am I the only one who thinks that's a little ridiculous? 
I mean, if someone offers to bring food.. Don't say no! But to expect it?
Or the one that really got me.. Help with chores. Once again, there are exceptions. If my sisters or mom want to do some dishes or fold laundry when they come over.. Get after it! But if a friend, or even another family member offered I'd say No! Much less EXPECT people to offer. 
And lastly.. There's nothing wrong with asking to hold the baby! That's what they're here for! 
Yes, I can say no and they should respect that. But to expect people to come visit your baby and not ask to hold it is insane.
Pretty much this article says put the food in the fridge, wash the dishes, and leave. 