Tight and itchy legs

Okay Mommas. I'm 33 weeks pregnant today and since day one I've had really itchy legs.. Couple weeks ago I developed itchy red sores on my legs and arms along with rashes anytime I start itching.. I chalked it up to chiggers due to fishing at the river but my legs are still pretty itchy and the skin on my legs feel SO tight and when I get in the bath my legs burn for a second.. I don't understand what the problem is.. My arms are healing and not as itchy but my legs seem to just feel right itchy burning idk what it could be anymore I've tried allergy meds, pills the dr gave me for itch relief, cream she's also given my, extra strength itch relief cream OTC, nothing is clearing it up. I put peroxide on them tonight and seemed to not itch I put lotion on over that when it dried but in a little bit they'll start.. Any advice or any clue what it could be