Loosing and gaining

A bit emotional as I think this pregnancy physically has been really good.. But emotionally draining. All in this pregnancy, gaining so much in graduating nursing school, becoming a nurse, passing my NCLEX, gaining the knowledge of having a baby girl.. All to be crushed with hurt and brokenness from our closest friends who became offended by our choice of name (supposedly it was theirs) and sacrificing our friendship because of their immaturity. The way it went about was so hurtful on our side, because they were hurt and here I am thinking, you're not my best friend if you can't forgive, love and support me in my pregnancy. It's hard. Not knowing who will throw your baby shower, or if I'm going to be stuck doing it myself... Hard time to loose a "bestie" because they refuse to treat us like human friends, let alone "their closest friends" because they harbor hard feelings- despite our accommodation and sorry's. I can't live around that, raise my girl around that. Moving on with tears on my face but strength of a lion. Praying for love.