Am I high risk?

Lindsey • 🌈🎀 💙| expecting number 3!
Okay. So pregnancy brain got the best of me. I have had two appointments so far (everything looks good) and an appointment tomorrow morning. Today I am 12weeks4days. Anyway- the first two appointments my dr asked me if anyone in my family had a history of complications at birth and I said no. COMPLETELY forgot that I was born with complications. I had a hole in my heart and my cord was too short and wrapped around my neck. When I tell the doctor tomorrow, do you think she will classify me as high risk? Or do you think this is common enough?
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The cord around your neck isn't something that can be comtrolled by genetics. That happens to a lot of babies, but I know it's scary to think about. Did The hole in your heart cause a more difficult labor and delivery for your mom? Your doc might get more details from you about that and my guess is that they will pay extra attention to the way your baby's heart develops, but I don't think it will classify you as high risk!Hope momma and baby stay happy and healthy !


Lindsey • Jul 28, 2016
Thanks Kristina!


Posted at
Thanks ladies for the input! I talked to my doctor today. I am not high risk, but my ultrasounds will now be with a specialist with a higher quality ultrasound to monitor baby's heart. Thanks again for your help!!


Posted at
Probably not. The cord being wrapped around your neck isn't genetic, just an accident that can happen to anyone. Even if it was genetic I don't think it would be seen as high risk because that isn't something that happens until full term. 


Lindsey • Jul 28, 2016
Thanks!! I don't want to worry but I thought someone on here might have some type of experience! Thanks for your help!


mama bee • Jul 28, 2016
Oops, didn't even see the part about your heart issues! Definitely mention that to her. Not sure if that makes you high risk but they might do some extra tests or monitoring for the babe.