13dpo hips and back pain

Hi so today I'm 13dpo trying not to test !! At 10dpo bfn smh so far I puked twice back to back in the morning at wrk . My hips have been hurting right now my right hip 
My back pain is more like sore then cramps 
AF due on Tuesday 8/2 and I noticed in the shower my cm is clumpy and thick 🙄 but these pains are ugh it goes down to my butt lol . Not testing until AF is a full week late. Only because last few months it's been either a few days early or late. Go to my gyn on Wednesday for a procedure on my cervix he thinks it's tender and I know they always test urine there so I figured I will wait and see if they tell me your pregnant or if it's negative they don't mention it . Has anyone felt these type of pains during the 2ww?