Third months the charm (hopefully).

So my husband and I are now going into our third month of ttc, I've learned a lot in the past two months about my body, how opks work, my bbt, and lastly my cervix and cervical mucus. My husband recently got accepted into the CHP (California Highway Patrol) and will be going up to the academy (August 22nd) meaning that he will be away for 7 months, making ttc even harder after this month (he'll come home on weekends or I go and visit up there on weekends). We're really hoping that this upcoming month will be everything that we've been hoping for and dreaming of. 
My question here is really what else can I be doing to ensure that we at the very least, we have better chances of conceiving? I track everything that's recommend by glow to track, and I also take folic acid daily. I exercise 4-5 times a week but have dialed back my routine so that I don't push my body too much because I've read that you should treat your body like its already pregnant while ttc. We bd close to everyday (not because we have to because we want to). I'm drinking a ton of water to help improve my cm. 
I would love any type of advice here I want this month to workout for us. Thank you in advance for any insight and advice! ☺️
Baby dust to all✨👶🏻✨!