Divorcing my husband while 7wks pregnant.

I am posting this bc I want unbiased opinions or as much as they can be unbiased. My husband and myself pretty much have different beliefs/views on everything and I know what people will say how did you not know? The fact is we really didn't discuss big issues a lot while dating and we dated for a whole year before we were engaged. I believe we jumped into it and i know he feels that way. Tonight he told me that he only stays with me because the benefits of staying with me for the sake of our children outweigh the benefits of getting a divorce. He didn't say because he loves me or wants to work on our marriage just that it's more beneficial to stay together. That hurt so much that I told him if he felt that way to please never tell me he loves me again. He has said multiple times he wanted a divorce and now I feel like I do too. He constantly is gas lighting me saying I am bipolar and crazy and should be on meds. While I know I am hormonal I also know I am not bipolar my whole family has a lot of medical knowledge plus my counselor has never said I am bipolar. The biggest issue in our marriage is our lack of ability to agree on anything. Our families are the biggest thing that is an obstacle. His stepfather constantly belittles my oldest child who is not my husbands child and allows my husbands niece to hit on my son. My husband has never done anything to stop this behavior or come to an agreement. He just feels that his stepfather is in the right even if he isn't present during the issue. We got
Into an argument tonight over a previous issue and I just feel that I cannot go on any longer feeling constantly belittled and like he will never have my back. What would you all do if in my situation? Two children and one on the way and stuck in a loveless verbally abusive marriage.