Rolling over in crib

My daughter just started rolling over two days ago. Which is amazing! Only problem is she gets stuck on her belly and can't roll back to her back.. So she cries hysterically. So last night she would wake up and instead of going back to sleep she would roll to her belly then cry. Same thing just happened with putting her down for a nap. But she got so hysterical she ended up smacking her head on the crib (I don't have bumpers) I "googled" how to teach baby to roll from belly to back. And I've been trying! She just isn't catching on. I know she will do it at her own pace. I just figured if I could help teach her that she wouldn't get so upset in her crib for naps and bedtime. I used to be able to just put her down for a nap and she'd go to sleep. But just now I comforted her for awhile than I laid her on her belly and put her head on the mattress and I guess showed her she can sleep that way and rubbed her back for awhile. I love when she needs mommy. But I'm asking if anyone has any suggestions on what I could do? How can I help her? Teach her? Thank you