
I need some opinions from women outside of my friends and family. Please, no judgments on my husband or myself. We've gone through a lot and have worked hard to get our marriage back on track. Here goes:

Over two years ago I found out that my husband was having an affair with one of my best friends. I actually met her through him. They had known each other since they were kids. I made fast friends with her and her boyfriend. They were there for me through my husbands deployment. She helped me pick out my wedding dress. She stood in our wedding. She came to every family celebration. She was like a daughter to his parents. She helped me pick our first house out while he was deployed. I spoke to her about everything. I knew she was his friend first and would always lean more toward him and his side of things but she never gave any advice that would push toward us breaking up. It was always "he loves you more than anything" and "he's done so much more with his life because of you". I never thought they would be together. I was completely blind sided when I read a text about them fucking.

We cut ties with her immediately. He told her not to contact him anymore. When I spoke with her she denied everything except a kiss at first. Then she told me how much he loved me and not to leave him just because she is a whore. She told me that as much as it would hurt her she would stay away from us.

Not long after this happened I started to get Facebook notifications that some of her friends were liking my pics. All pics of her. I also got one of those request from her that I remove a photo because it "hurts too much to see" I declined the request and kept all pictures of her up. I did block her and all of her friends from my page as well as the Hubby's. In the two years since this happened she has emailed him three times. Twice to tell him happy birthday and once with just a single line saying she missed her friend. He blocked her from emailing him. We never responded to her and I didn't contact her in any way. I didn't want her to know how much it was bothering me. My mother in law just recently stopped bringing her up. She doesn't know why we no longer speak to the homewrecker and she would always ask us to tell her. We've been through counseling. We have worked through so much. Its been eight months since we blocked her from emailing. Things are finally at a better place. There were no more reminders of them.

Then I woke up yesterday morning to a request from her to follow me on Instagram. I'm so pissed. I don't get why she can't just leave us alone. I feel like we are never going to completely move past this if the bitch keeps popping up. So, now I'm wondering if I should contact her and have a woman to woman conversation. Or woman to whore..however you want to look at it. I don't know. According to their old texts she thought he was the love of her life. She literally told him that she told her grandmaw thats why she stayed so close and made him like a brother. So that he would always be in her life. I don't want to contact her and let her know how much it bothers me and her to think she is still a threat to our marriage and stands a chance with my husband. But I want to tell her to move the fuck on and get out of out of our lives. Even my 8 year old just stopped asking about her. I just want her to go away. Should I contact her? Or just deny the request and block her on instagram as well?


First, I want to say that the only reason I referred to her as a whore is because that's literally how she referred to herself the last time we spoke. Yes, there is some "emotional baggage" where she is concerned. The girl was my friend for 8 years. She was there for every up and down. I don't understand how she was able to be there looking me in my face while also pining for my husband and having relations with him. I will never understand that but it is what it is. I also never said that my husband got off clean. I put him through hell over this. Yes, he made vows to me but I also made those vows which means I was committed and responsible for being forgiving toward him. It took a while and a lot of hard work and tears but I did forgive him. I didn't have that commitment towards her. Yes, its two years later and I am still angry with her but not with him. Thats because she hasn't gone away. She keeps popping back up. He hasn't contacted her. The times that she did, he showed me. Then together we blocked her on all devices. We not only blocked her from our facebooks, we also blocked her friends. Including mutual friends. We live over 2 hours away from her. She doesn't know where my son goes to school. The only time she's been to my house was 2 years ago when she helped me pick it. And that was only the neighborhood. We built new construction. She doesn't know anything about the street or the look of the outside of the house. She doesn't know where either of us work.

Thank you all for taking the time to reply. I appreciate it.