
So I'm 4.5 months pregnant with my third. Me and my children's father are not together.  So here's my issue: I've had this crush on this guy I've known for years but never said anything because when I first met him I was in a relationship. The next time I was single but then I found out I knew his then girlfriend who was a sweet girl. Then we worked together but he was married by then. So fast forward to recently we talk every now and then as friends to catch up on the kids we use to work with together well I discover he is currently getting a divorce. She became abusive to his oldest daughter that wasn't hers and then walked out with their kids once he confronted her about it. So in the mist of this conversation he tells me he always liked me just our situations over the years never allowed him to act on it. So my question is with him waiting on the divorce to be finalized (she is dragging it out because she said she wants to make him suffer for not putting her over his daughter. I saw the text) and the fact that I'm currently pregnant should we wait to date til either the ink drys on the paperwork or til I have the baby?