Monster future inlaw

natalie • Expecting 1st baby in november
Okay so I've been with my so for over a year and am 27 weeks pregnant. I've gotten alot of criticism from my so parents because the baby is going to be born out of wedlock. I've dealt with alot of horrible things being said by them including that my do needs to make me get an abortion or talk me into putting her up for adoption , but last night I reached my breaking point. We were having a discussion about his parents at my moms house and he tells me that a few months ago she told him to take me to court for full custody and give the baby up for adoption. Now mind you through the past couple of months she's been randomly texting me asking how my doctors visits were going and about the baby. I thought she was finally coming around to the fact that my baby was apart of her family. Now I don't know what to think. This has gotten me to the point I don't even know if I want to marry my so. I can't honestly say I've met someone I hate more then his mother and I'm at the point where I don't want her going anywhere near my child or even seeing a picture. I really don't know what to do and any advice would be of great help.