Emotionally frustrated

Tonight I 'confessed' to my fwb that him playing hard to get it making me want him more than ever. I've been an emotional mess lately and he has been distant. I don't know I'm I'm falling for him or if it's just pms. I could've sworn I felt the exact same way just before my last period and here we are again this month. I'm so emotionally unstable right now and want to cry just because I'm confused. I have no idea if the pre period hormones are playing with my emotions or if I'm actually falling for him?
Also, he has made it clear that he doesn't want a relationship (none of that bf/gf stuff at least, if he's in a relationship it's for the purpose of getting married) and we're both on the same page with that but idk... Like what the hell am I feeling? 
Please help :(