One month old!

My sons a month old, Yay. He eats about 3 ozs of formula, I don't produce that much breastmilk, so I need tips on how to make my breastmilk more fatty and to increase my supply. At night he sleeps for about 3-4 hours between feedings. We give him formula at night to make sure he's full, during the day he cluster feeds, I don't think he's getting enough from me alone, we give him 2 ozs of formula if he's still hungry. His umbilical cord finally fell off last night, Yay. He holds his head up for a while, still wobbly though. He moves his legs like he's crawling but not his arms, very uncoordinated still. He tries to talk. He smiles and just barely can laugh. He brings his hands and my hands and my hair to his mouth. He looks out the car window when we drive around. He's becoming very alert and aware of what's going on. It's amazing raising a child, the best thing in the world.