I never could understand gender disappointment

Tianna • Mother to Caiden & Nalah
I can't wait to see the negative responses I get with this post lol. It won't change my mind or effect me though! So here it goes! I never could really understand gender disappointment. I mean seriously don't. Some people are mad or upset that their children/future children are not what they wanted them to b, and I don't think it's that big of a deal. In life we don't always get what we want. If everyone did, imagine what kind of messed up world this would be! If you wanted to get pregnant and have a baby, and that happened for you, why does gender even matter at all? You're babies gender was set from the moment of implantation. I feel like some of you women need to get over it. Imagine if your parents told you, you're not what they wanted originally? How would that make you feel? That's a f'd up thought to have in your head to me personally, you got what you wanted when you were trying to be pregnant, so be happy with whatever God has blessed you with. Now I can understand getting hit with the wrong gender when the baby is born or at another ultrasound when you were told the opposite gender. That's a sudden blow. But I feel like gender is not a factor, it's a 50/50 chance of what your having, I feel like instead of focusing on gender of your child, you should focus on you and the health of the baby. You can be disappointed but crying and being depressed is just unnecessary. TBH when I hear people complaining, it makes me sick because you look ungrateful for your gift of life. There are so many people who aren't blessed with the same opportunity, of having children . Be happy you have the opportunitiy to have a child period. Be grateful, stop dwelling on gender. We're blessed that our children will love us from the moment they see us, regardless of who they want us to be! Our children don't care that we are not who they expect us to be, the come into the world happy to see us. All I'm saying is accept and be happy with what you have, that child or opportunity can be taken at any moment. Imagine if you dwelled on the fact that you didn't get the gender you want and you lost your child. How would you feel in that moment? I would never wish that on anyone but I feel like you should open your eyes and be grateful and count your blessings not disappoints. Stop taking blessings for granted!