Weird thing in Gerber yogurt


So was getting my 7 month olds breakfast ready and went to give her yogurt and multigrain, you know that's normally kind of what she likes to eat for breakfast so it was going as usual and as I was mixing up the yogurt I find this weird-ass thing inside her yogurt it was kinda spongy and weird and I don't know how to describe it. but it would have been a major choking hazard if it had been a baby who hadn't been eating as long as mine has you know my daughters able to chew her food and she can chew larger pieces of food at this point despite the fact that she doesn't have any teeth but she's very good at gumming her food and she chewd things really really well and I'm just glad that I caught it when I did because I still don't even know what the hell it is and I recently read reports or like reviews from other individuals who found weird s*** in there Gerber products this is what I found. In my little girls Gerber yogurt today.

Long story short I just gave her oatmeal and applesauce and I made her breakfast from scratch basically so at least I know what went into it

I guess I can only assume that it might be a piece of raspberry but even still even if it is that major choking hazard for any baby who is not able to chew their food yet so all I can say is be careful when feeding Gerber to your baby is just check your food please because remember this is food going into our babies bellies and we want to make sure that all babies eat well and not eat weird crap