Possible ectopic

PTgal💜 • Married 6 years, just had my rainbow, a baby girl, in April. Have pcos, endometriosis, low thyroid, and have had 4 mc.
Went for my first ultrasound this morning. 5w3d. He could kind of make out a sac possibly measuring 5 w. But also possibly saw something maybe in my right tube but could be part of my right ovary. And fluid behind the uterus. The first time I met my RE I had an ectopic I didn't know about and the first time I had a pregnancy ultrasound it ended up as a mmc. This is my 5th pregnancy in 3.5 years, with 4 losses since last February. I just wish I could catch a break. Could use some good wishes and vibes and prayers that everything turns out okay for once. Thanks ladies.