Subchorionic hemorrhage @ 7wks

Hi everyone - I'm new to this so bare with me. I found out I'm pregnant with my second child last week. LMP 6/30/16 which equals 7wks but embryo is measuring around 6wks 2/3days. I had an ultrasound today due to light bleeding and they found a heartbeat (113 bpm) and saw baby. However, they told me I have about a 1cm subchorionic hemorrhage and it'll have to be closely monitored to make sure it doesn't grow. They (tried to) assured me that it sounds much worse than it is. But when I got back to my car, I had an anxiety attack over the word "hemmorhage" and had to call an ambulance for myself. Have any other mommies have experience with these? I'm really just needing a peace of mind at this time.