To the WHORE that left this note on my husbands truck:

To the WHORE that left this note on my husbands car. Obviously you aren't hot as you say you are. Here you are living in our neighborhood and trying to wreck other people's home. You know he's married. You're fully aware we have a child and one on the way. Home wreckers like you will always remain single and in need of love. Unfortunately you don't value yourself and that's why you are more then happy to be a "secret sex slave." Sadly for you, you are hitting on the wrong man. He is dedicated to us. He's a pious man who always prays. He was actually mortified when I read it to him. After that, you've just been the butt of our jokes all day. You cannot break a bond like ours. I pray you find God and find yourself.
Update: To answer some of the questions posted on here. 
We did entertain the idea of it being a prank, but we have no idea who would do such a thing. If a child did this, it'd be worse knowing a child thinks, speaks, writes like this. I find it to be disturbing really. We live in a really quiet neighborhood that is constantly patrolled. Most of our neighbors are older. They actually keep an eye on our home whenever we aren't home.
We do have a outside camera. Unfortunately, it's over the door so I can't see anything in the driveway.
We also work from home. The individual could've left the note late last night or early this morning.....
The weird thing about it all is that the note was left on the passenger side of the truck. I'm wondering if someone wanted me to find it and fight with my husband.......well that didn't happen of course. My husband and I went outside together and he seen it. He asked if he got a ticket. I said it's probably a phone number jokingly. My husband gets hit on often so I'm used to it. We had a neighbor in our old neighborhood come over with her daughter to see Girl Scout cookies. My husband specifically told her he had no money and uses credit cards. He told her she would have to come back when I was home. She dropped her Daughter off and came back to our house knocking on the door to hit on him. He didn't open the door lol. Anyways, I opened the letter and read it. Needless to say, I was stunned. He thought I was making it up so he asked to see it. 
As far as looking for her, it's pointless really. I won't waste a second of my time looking for her. I'm a confident woman who takes care of my man. I know he won't go outside our marriage and there is no need for me to worry. I would like to know who she is to report her since my husband now has a stalker.......