Cancer theory

Cancer seems to be running rampant these days. To me, at least, it feels like we will all get cancer in some way or another. Surely cancer has been around for all of time, but why does it seem to be everywhere now?
Here is my theory:
Cancer occurs when the body does not recognize that a foreign invader has entered and settled down, or it occurs when a domestic cell (the body's own cell) mutates and reproduces at an abnormal rate. Foreign and domestic invaders are constantly threatening our bodies, but USUALLY our natural defense mechanisms kick in and kill whatever is wrong (you feel this happening when you get sick).
Cancer happens when those defense mechanisms DONT kick in, and the invaders start calling their friends in and secretly wrecking more havoc on the ignorant body.
So, why does this happen? Why would the body not recognize what's going on and kill the problem at hand?
(Bare with me for a moment) Now, how many of you have taken medicine to stop the symptoms of your cold, flu, sinus infection, high fever...? [everyone raises their hand, myself included] of course, we all do this. As soon as we start overproducing mucus, we take medicine to stop the problem. As soon as our fever spikes- a natural and incredibly effective defense against foreign invaders- we take medicine to bring it back down.
Over the course of our lives, we're teaching our bodies with the medicine we take that it's defense mechanisms are BAD and should not be employed. 
So, we've taught our bodies to not recognize foreign (and domestic) invaders. We've taught them to stop the defense mechanisms that are there to protect us from illnesses and eventually, we get cancer because our bodies don't know how or when to fight.
What can we do then? ONLY take medicine when it's ABSOLUTELY necessary. When you're sick, take a day or two to let your body heal. Encourage your defense mechanisms to kick in and defeat the illness. Take detox baths (very hot baths that make you sweat) when you're sick to rid yourself of toxins and encourage a fever to kill the bad stuff. Remember that your defense mechanisms are NOT bad, they are there to protect you! Even when you're laying in bed with snot oozing out of your face like a river, your fever making your skin crawl, and throwing up every few hours- DONT stop those things from happening, a reaction to foreign invaders is EXACTLY what you want your body to do.
Of course, cancer is not your fault. It's not your child's fault, your dad's fault, your aunts fault. Don't blame yourself or others for this awful sickness. But take heed of this warning and encourage your body to heal itself instead of reaching for the medicine cabinet. I am certain that a body who knows how to heal itself is significantly less likely to get cancer than a body who has been taught to suppress all normal defense mechanisms.