I feel like I have no support..

First of all I need to mention that my husband will be deployed during the birth and there is nothing we can do. My husband is the only one who truly supports me with a non medicated birth.While my husband is deployed I will be moving close to family for support.. But little did I know they don't support my decision to have a natural birth. It seems like my mother, my mother in law and my father do not believe in me nor do they believe childbirth is possible without an epidural. When I talk about how I want to bring my baby into this world they're only response is "it's really painful" or "you're going to need one."
At first I didn't think it would bother me but it's actually bummed me out. The only person who believes in me will be thousands of miles away. At this point I feel alone.. It's hard to believe in your body when none of your family actually believes in you... I just wish I was going to have my husband physically there during the birth, he would be the only person I need to encourage me.