Do you exercise in pregnancy?

I'm just wondering how many mums to be exercise during pregnancy and how many don't. Im 27 weeks pregnant and I'm feeling concerned that I haven't done very much exercise throughout my pregnancy due to one thing or another. Before conceiving I played netball 3 times a week and walked the dogs everyday. Throughout my pregnancy I have continued to walk the dogs but have not been allowed to play netball due to the nature of the sport. I've had a go at some home pregnancy yoga and Pilates from DVDs but don't find the motivation or energy  to do it everyday. I had joined an aqua yoga group but got messed around by the instructor who cancelled 4 sessions in a row and there's not many activities around where I live specifically for mums to be. I did go for a 10 min jog the other week but my family went crazy over it as they don't think it is a safe exercise for a pregnant lady.  So I guess I'm wondering do many ladies do exercise during pregnancy? If so what do you do? Should I be exercising more regularly? Or is it enough that I'm eating a balanced diet and taking regular works with home yoga here and there?