I'm at a lost. Don't know what to do. Long distance relationship just had our baby girl. Should I confront him about what I saw in his phone?

My fiance took my ring back in April over something that happened last year when we were broken up for two months. We had our baby girl August 15th. He's been saying that he don't want to work it out and I've pretty much been begging him not to give up on us. Well last night he told me to look on the side of his duffle bag and it was my engagement ring that he took. I was so happy. He went out with his cousins and he came back home drunk so he went right to bed. I checked his phone and their were three different women he's been texting. He even texted two of them a picture of our newborn baby girl and one responded awe look at my baby. Another girl was blowing him up and said " I know you're with your family but you can at least hit me back". We have had one hell of a year and even though I lost him I was hopeful that once our baby girl was born that it would bring us closer. Here is my question. So I confront him about the women? This has been as issue of ours in the past me going through his phone. He broke my trust a long time ago that's why I go through his phone. I just put this beautiful ring back on and now I feel like I should take it off and give it back.