Demanding & Controlling bf

So my coworker (we work nights 4 p.m. to midnight) confided in me about she stressed she is with her bf. She's been coming to work late and looking a complete mess when she does show up. Anyway her and her bf have 4 kids between the two of them, but none of their own. She stated how she only gets 3 hours of sleep every night b/c he makes her get up at 3 a.m. to fix him breakfast and pack his lunches every morning before he leaves for work at 4 a.m. then she has to stay up and get two of the kids ready school and watch the other two at home. She stated how all she does is stay home and clean and cook b/c he likes his dinner prepared when he gets off. She told me how she overslept the other morning and threatened to put her back out on the streets if she didn't BE HIS ALARM clock and wake him up at 3 a.m. when we get off midnight. I told her he sounds like a Wuss and she can do better than depend on him. Shes been talking to him about marriage and he won't do it b/c of a previous failed marriage (so he says). And I feel like she is slaving herself to have stability for herself and kids. And I don't believe in slaving and being unhappy for that. I'm married and my husband doesn't even make me do half the things she has to do. As long as the house is Clean for him , everything else is good. If I don't have to cook everyday and if i dont he'll just go grab something from the store or drive-in. I feel like women should not lower their standards to be a mans maid or slave. Shes stressing and about to lose her job, while hes being comfortable and handing out rules. I understand a man should work , and women should be the head of the household (but that only applies to marriage...and a woman should not be turned into a slave) But for some reason she felt offended when I said that and feels like she can't disobey him or that she has to rush back to him or he'll get angry, etc. Was I wrong? How can I fix our friendship? She's a really cool person, just in a mess!