Curious if others feel this way...

First time mom here, currently 39+3. So I am going to miss 2 things about being pregnant. First, feeling my baby move around. (So weird and neat at the same time!!!) But most of all - I'm going to miss having a baby belly. Why, you ask? Because being pregnant and having an obvious baby belly (whether 5 months, 7 months, currently, etc.) has finally made me, for the first time in my life, totally COMFORTABLE with how I look. I started out a bit overweight and have struggled with being overweight my whole life. (Non-pregnant: fluctuating between size 14 to size 18) My whole life has been holding in my stomach, making sure the top was flowy enough and not too clingy, making sure to wear a cardigan over that tank top, never wearing actual shorts... But now, with a baby belly, it's so obvious that that's why my stomach is there. That's why my stomach is big and round. I have finally been able to enjoy fit-your-curves (maternity) maxi dresses, totally comfy tops that SHOW OFF my stomach, not folding my arms over my mid-section while sitting to hide my tummy. I've fully been able to EMBRACE how my body looks and be proud of it. Basically, I'm sad for that feeling of comfort to go away. It'll be back to having a non-pregnant tummy and on top of that, a POST-BABY tummy that will take time to even get back to the tummy I was already uncomfortable with. Blaaaaah. Anyone else feel like this??? (Amazingly I only gained 15 lbs total during this time - and baby is measuring a super healthy 8.5 lbs)