Induction Pain

I arrived to my room around 7:30 I was checked and told I was 3 cm dilated. At 9pm they started my pitocin. I took a nap and around 12 felt nothing so they doubled my dose. At 12:45pm my contractions begin and increased to ever 2 mins within a half hour no gradual pain just full on contractions that hurt so bad and I got no relief between them. I tried to move around to help the pain and requested an epidural. I was checked again and told I was 5cm at 2pm. By 5pm I was fully dilated and felt back contractions but not the sharp pain that felt like someone was stabbing my stomach and back at the same time. I let baby labor down instead of pushing because his heart rate was dropping. At 7:28 I began pushing he was born at 7:36pm