I need advice from mature and non-judgmental people..

First, please read the whole post before commenting and also please be kind and helpful. This will be long and drawn out...hand in there!
So, my first love and I met in high school. We jumped into things very quickly and got serious at lightning speed. He was my first everything and I thought I was in love. I won't go into too much detail but let's just say there was a lot of drama and it eventually led to a feud between our families which was only complicated further when I got pregnant. During my entire pregnancy I felt like I was in the middle of a game of tug of war between my mom/dad and my boyfriend. This ended with him and I getting married on a whim, then me regretting it and moving back in with my mom and divorcing him and then due to some special circumstances he ended up leaving the country and seems to have no plans to return. So, it has been 7 years since he has seen our daughter. In the past we have communicated through Facebook and I would give him updates on her but it always ended up being more drama between him and I. When I met my current husband I went back and forth between blocking and unblocking my ex because he'd cross lines with me and rarely asked about our daughter. I have had him blocked for nearly two years now and my husband and I are arguing about it because I want to unblock him and open the line of communication. The reason being is that I don't want my daughter growing up believing that I am the reason her biological dad isn't involved. I don't want her to turn 18, seek him out and him have the leverage of "well, she divorced me and I had to leave and then she blocked me from asking about you." I have been very honest with my daughter about everything and as she gets older she will occasionally ask about him and what traits of his that she has and what he looks like. I would like for her to be able to ask him questions, maybe even skype with him and if he chooses to blow her off I want it to be clear who the "bad guy" is because I feel like by hindering all communication it'll be easy for it to look like  the bad one. My husband obviously doesn't agree. For one, he doesn't like that I'm trying to talk to my ex. He doesn't understand that even though my ex hasn't been in her life, he IS her biological father. He has raised her as his own and I understand that it's hard but he won't hear me out at all and when I try to explain why I want to leave the line of communication open he won't hear me out. My other concern is that if my ex did return, it would be solely up to my daughter to decide if she sees him or not...this isn't likely to happen (him returning) but IF it did then I think it wold be much better for my ex and I to be on civil terms and much easier for our daughter if she's had some communication with him. Am I wrong here? What would be the best thing for me to do for my daughter? How do I keep this from causing serious strain on my husband and I? Please help. I just want to do what's best all around but I honestly don't know what that is anymore. Thanks in advance