Hello. I have a question for any ladies suffering from PCOS and who have used/are using clear blue OPK or any OPK for that matter. I've read a few times that you can't use an opk If you have PCOS and yada yada. Then some of you say you can depending on the type of PCOS and your particular issues. My quick background: PCOS with amenorrhea (lack of periods.) I take 500 mg of Vitex Berry a day (less than half of required dosage - I weaned myself down from 1,000)  to maintain my progesterone issues. I've had 40 day cycles now. I've been tracking my cycles. They've been 40 days consistently the last two months now. According to Glow and Ovia, I should be ovulating this week. I tested myself 3 days ago, and it came up that I have high fertility (no peak just yet) and I've had that continuously for three days. I tested myself even earlier this month and there were no signs of ovulation. So I'm guessing that maybe I will possibly ovulate in the next day or two. My question is have any of you fellow cysters been able to use an OPK? What were your experiences? Did you actually ovulate/get a peak day? I'm hoping for mine. Fingers crossed.