GD, biomedical profiles, and NST???

Jennifer • 37yo Married mama of three little boys 10,8, and 2! Trying for our #4 caboose to the family.
I am almost 33 weeks pregnant and was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. It's been two weeks since my diagnosis. At my first blood sugar check to go over my numbers for the week my levels were slightly elevated sometimes at breakfast no matter what I ate. After 1 week on diet they automatically prescribed me medicine (Metformin) to take to help control my breakfast glucose levels...they also are now making me go to my maternal fetal specialist once a week for glucose checks for the week before and to do what's called a biomedical profile or physical ultrasound on my baby to make sure he is ok. In conjunction to that I also have to see my regular OB every week for a non stress test for the baby to make sure he is ok. I had GD with my first baby and they were way more laid back with him than this go round. Anyone ever have these tests done? Anyone ever experience this? Im kind of freaked out because I'm not gaining much weight either I've gained 10 lbs this pregnancy...gained 21 with my first and 50 with my second. Surely they are being totally honest with me about everything right?!