Good Advice for Fellow Moms

I just wanted to share my favorite book & app for all my fellow moms. I've seen some posts of moms frustrated by typical baby behavior: incessant crying, lack of sleep, etc. I HAVE SO BEEN THERE! I received the book "The Wonder Weeks" from a mom friend and it has been a god send! They also have it in app form for your phone but it's shortened so the book provides full details. It explains to you each developmental and cognitive leap a baby will go through at a predictable number of weeks post due date. It also explains there will always be a fussy period when baby enters a new leap because they're learning so many new things. There's been many a times I've found myself frustrated with my sons whiny-ness (if that's a word) and open the app to realize it's a new leap. Just sharing and hope it helps some of you as well ❤️