Infection while ttc

I am 10dpo today. I have been fighting infection after infection for the last couple months. First, BV then yeast infection, then found out I had e-coli infection after a genital culture. Then thought I was getting yeast back after taking augmentin so doc prescribed diflucan. Took that after ovulating. I am still having some yellowish discharge so I am wondering if my infection is either back or never cleared up all the way. Anyways, I think I probably won't end up pregnant this cycle. I didn't realize I was still having any symptoms after ovulation because I had no odor or discharge anymore but had watery cm before ovulating. This is tough. Do I call the doctor back again now or wait until AF comes/or positive HCG test? I am so lost right now as to what to do. AF is due Saturday. No pregnancy symptoms and bfn yesterday. Help?