little rant : young & dumb

I really hate that I'm 18 & pregnant. I thought I would love the guy I gave my virginity to forever. I thought we would actually get married & be a family. Lol, stupid huh? He did me so dirty while we were together. I decided to walk out when I was about 2 months. I don't love him anymore. I refuse to bring a baby into a broken relationship. There's no fixing it. I'm happy now. I'm in college working hard & even met a guy. It's just sometimes I wish I would've been in love & super happy about starting a family with someone. Instead I'm 18 & will be co parenting. I wanted my baby to have a mommy & daddy at home but hey it is what it is. I just sometimes hate that I believed that fairy tale. I pray a guy don't hurt my baby girl like this. I just had to learn the hard way 😖