How long until miscarriage happens?

To anyone who has had a miscarriage:
How long until it gets started? I have been spotting on and off all week and today the blood turned pink and red. My doctor said there isn't any blood in my canal and my cervix is closed, but she said it could go either way. I am only 4w6d so she said if I do miscarry it will feel like a heavy period. I have been experience period like cramps for a few days and today they're a little worse. Pink, watery discharge is there when I wipe. How long until it really gets going? I just want to get it over with so I can move on. Any one have a similar experience? 
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I spotted brown for 3 weeks, starting at 6w and miscarried at around 9w. Didn't start bleeding red until 9w. So sorry if you miscarry. It just sucks no matter how it happens. I know how you feel wanting to get it done and move on I felt the same.


TTC #2 due 3/29 • Sep 17, 2016
When my body finally let go it was over in a few hours. Then it was like I had a very long period.


Posted at
It's not certain that you will miscarry. It's possible that you're experiencing normal bleeding. I bled with mine, it was just delayed implantation bleeding. My friend had regular monthly bleeding through her entire pregnancy as well. 


Diana • Sep 16, 2016
Don't let blood scare you too much. I bled a ton and even passed a huge clot that scared the crap out of me. I'm 15w.


Angel • Sep 16, 2016
I had mine at about 10 weeks. I had gone the the ER and they checked me and everything and said it was just implantation bleeding! And here I am 39 weeks! Sending positive vibes your way!


Whitney • Sep 16, 2016
how delayed was the bleeding? I think I'm having the same thing


Posted at
Not to scare you but I had a miscarriage this pass April at 5 weeks and my cervix was closed. I will pray for you


Laura • Sep 16, 2016
That's ok, I am not scared. I have come to terms with it. Thanks for your info!


Posted at
I had a miscarriage in June. It started off like the first day when I get my AF, then it progressed over the next few days. I passed the baby three days after that and I bleed for about five days after and the HCG left my body about two weeks later. I was 7 weeks. Happy thought for you!


P. • Sep 17, 2016
It probably isn't, if you're not bleeding every day.


Laura • Sep 17, 2016
So sorry for your loss xoxo - thank you for sharing your experience. I have never felt so confused and lost. I don't know if this pregnancy is coming or going. I cramp, have a small amount of bloody discharge then go a day without anything. It's so bizarre.


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I never passed naturally and had to have D&C