
So my boss started texting me, at first it was just how are you and stuffs, and then he started flirting with me, telling me i was cute and how I have a nice butt and he said that he tries to stop looking at it, so I panicked so I said I'm gay, then he got shocked, asking am i into boy or girls, and then I said girls 
 i like don't like me back and boys think i look like a potato, and he was like thats not true your so pretty, then he asked, are you a virgin, i was like yes and he was like are you ever consider ming if loosing it soon, then i was like thats too personal I can't answer that. He didn't stop hitting on me. After few conversations I confronted him that "im not clue less, you're hitting on me, you're my boss, sorry but im not comfortable with this situation" but he denied it, he said he's just asking too many questions. So now when i get back to work I don't know how to face him, he's  nice at work, i just never expected a boss like that, i don't dint know what to do