Newborn Bowel Movements.. Help!

I had my baby 2 days ago, we just got home today and since we've been home (about 3-4 hours) she's pooped 4 times. 3 times within the last hour or so. 
That just doesn't seem normal to me? 
Is it? Should I think about what I've eaten to see if it's upset her tummy? I haven't had any water all day, only soda (I know. It's bad. Not a normal thing for me).. Could that be why? Maybe because my milk is starting to come in? 
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Super normal ! Newborns poop practically every time you feed them or change them. Lots more poop in your future!


Posted at
My son pooped ALL THE TIME when he was a newborn. He would poop before a feeding, during a feeding, and after a feeding. So much poop. Just try to protect that bottom with everything you have cause they can get diaper rash so easy and it can be hard to get rid of. 


Posted at
It's normal for breast fed newborns to poop with every feeding, sometimes several times during a feeding. Unless the poop looks odd or your baby seems fussy/ uncomfortable, I wouldn't worry about it. My first pooped about 10x a day when we first brought her home. 


Posted at
During the meconium phase your newborn should have four or five poopy diapers a day - lasting two to three days. Then, after the colostrum and your milk matures it should be two to five poopy diapers in a day. So you've got nothing to worry about!