should I let her go

So I know most moms on here are talking about their babies but I'm having a little issue with my daughter and thought I should ask your opinions! 😊 my 16 year old daughter asked me if she could go on a camping trip for one night in the holidays because she'll be done with her exams. She's going with her friends and from what I know they are good girls but there's been a recent event where they all got drunk and one of them ended up in hospital. my daughter didn't go to that party but I'm worried that they will drink on this trip because no parents are going. I do trust my daughter but what if something goes wrong and what if they are drinking?. All the other girls parents are letting them go but I'm nervous about letting Amber go. I feel like she'll get mad if I say no because she'll be missing out and her friends might be mad that she couldn't go but what if I let her and they drink or start a fire or drown? (The camp site is around a river). 
Do I let her go or not? 
(Thank you for your opinions, I have decided to let her go but she needs to phone me every 2-3 hours and I'm going to help them set up the camp then leave so I can make sure they are in a safe area. I've also had a wee chat with her about drinking and she assured me that there is not going to be alcohol but if they bring it she will not be drinking. She also opened up about the fact that she has been drunk before but did not like and stays sober or has 1 when she goes to parties with her friends)