BF Says Abortion...

My boyfriend asked me what would I do IF I got pregnant. First off me and him have only been together for three months but we live with each other and are planning on staying together for a long time, maybe forever. Before I even had a chance to say anything he said in all seriousness "abortion." And nodded his head a million times. But I have been getting baby fever. We could financially afford it. So really, I would not want to have an abortion. Him saying that through me off guard and actually insulted me. This is my body. My child. My choice. I told him "I don't think I could go through with an abortion." He said it's not that bad, apparently other girls he's been with have had them. I'm pissed off and I think I have a right to be, right?!  
Note: To clear things up I am on birth control but he doesn't use condoms. And he said he does want kids with me in the future. We are both old enough for the responsibility right now though. This post is not saying I want to TRY to have a kid with him right now, but if I accidently get pregnant, I would rather keep it. Why should I have to make the sacrifice and he doesn't have to make one. I am not 100% anti-abortion, but I am 100% anti-man making decisions for me.