My dad wants to stay at my house after i have the baby?

Okay. A little back story. My mom and dad met in the military, he cheated on her alot after my brother and I were born and also hit her and stuff. Therefore they got a divorce when I was about 5 or younger. Well he moved to west Virginia where he originally lived, and I live in Alabama. He's always told me happy birthday, christmas, stuff like that. And maybe visited every few years as well as when we graduated from high school. With that being said I'm not comfortable around him. I love him to death, he's changed alot over the years. But that doesn't take away from the fact that I'm just not comfortable around him. It feels like a stranger. Well his wife (who is insane) keeps texting me pressuring me to have him I'm the delivery room, or Skype while I'm in the delivery room, and also wants him to stay at my house the first few days I'm at home so he doesn't have to get a hotel. It's not like having my mom at the house, it's like having a friend that you have to keep entertained at your house. How do I explain to them that they have to get a hotel and not sounding mean. I just feel like they should worry more about my feelings in this and not there's. They act like I'm just being so unreasonable. I don't know what to do. :/