too dump or not to dump? that is the question

Been dating this guys for almost 3 years in October and we have had conversations about our future together... he doesnt want to get married and doesn't want to have anymore kids (he has one who is 19, I don't have any)... I really don't care if I was to get married as long as that person was faithful too me (why do you need a piece of paper to determine that and honestly would it actually stop them from cheating) but I really want to have kids.. we are both adults (me 31 , him 38) have stable jobs actually have talked about moving in together but honestly I have don't know if I could stay with him if he didn't want to have anymore kids... I see him tonight and was thinking about talking to him about it again..... So what I am asking is if the guy you were dating didn't want anymore kids or any kids at all, is that a deal breaker for you?