Anybody feel me?

My fiancé is a gamer. He loves to play PlayStation, and talk to his gaming buddies while playing, and seriously spends hours a day playing. And it's fine you know, everybody's gotta have a hobby. But  for the last two years I've had to deal with him putting his gaming above everything else. He wakes up, and immediately sits down to play. He gets home from work, and sits down in front of his tv right away. He plays on his lunch break. He plays when he's sick. He plays super late into the night, sometimes even until 4 or 5 in the morning. And I've had to accept that. But lately I've been evaluating our relationship to myself, thinking that maybe I don't want to live this way for the rest of my life. I do all the cooking and cleaning, and I'm happy to, but sometimes I just want some time with him. I have to literally beg him to watch a movie or tv with me, and get turned down quite often. Today I came home from work, walked past him in his chair, and went into our bedroom. It was an hour and a half before he came in here to say hi to me and kiss me, and turned me down when I asked him to sit for a couple minutes so I could talk to him about my day. It's 7 hours later, and he hasn't said a single thing since, except to his gaming friends. And this is just a normal day. I don't know if I can do this. I love him, but I'm not sure. Help?