baby arrived on 9/21 at 40 weeks + 4 days past due date! birth story

Baby boy is here! 😍 After receiving a membrane sweep at 3 pm and being 1 CM this past Tuesday 9/20 at 49 weeks and 3 days past my due date, I began having active contractions 1 minute long and 5 minutes apart for an hour around 10 pm that evening! I checked into the hospital and they admitted me after confirming my active timed contractions around 11:30 pm and breathed through heavy, painful contractions for about 6 hours before I was completely exhausted unable to even keep my eyes open when they also confirmed my baby flipped sunny side up meaning back labor for me 😩 and also at that time the my water had not broken yet so when the doctor went to break it, no fluid came out! I was at about 3 CM dilated.  They confirmed that I had little to no fluid left and actually pumped fluid back into me for baby while they started me on pitocin to help me progress. Due to the impending painful back labor and baby pinching the umbilical cord due to discomfort from lack of fluids causing more painful contractions for me and my complete exhaustion I received an epidural around 7 hours into my labor, it worked well and quickly and I was able to sleep for a bit off and on while I  progressed to 5 CM then quickly to 8 then to 10 within a a few hours. I had energy to push effectively and pushed him out quickly within 20 minutes and he arrived at 3 pm Wed afternoon at 9/21! He was 6.5 lbs and I had a 1st degree tear. We are recovering well! Whew! Lol