Skyler noel is finally here!


After a super difficult pregnancy, i have finally had my baby boy 💙

Started having contractions on september 16th of september. Since they were irregular, i didnt think anything of it. Moved on the 17th, and that night i lost my mucus plug. I was still having contractions all day on the 18th, and spent the day mostly alone while my boyfriend took his daughter back to her moms house... he also took my daughter so that i could rest some. At 730 pm, he got home and we went to eat since there was nothing at our house yet. In the middle of eating, my contractions got so bad that i was crying and hunched over. We went to the hospital, and hey monitored me. At 3 am, they decided to admit me since i had made progress with the contractions. I got my epidural shortly after that, and at 10:41am, on september 19th, 2016, skyler was born weighing 8 lbs 9 oz, and was 21 inches long. I couldnt be more in love. 😍😍😍