How do you feel about Donald Trump's strong desire to talk about Bill Clinton's infidelities?


So, as we know Trump has brought up Bill Clinton's infidelities while in the White House, not only to make Hilary look bad, but to also point out that she treated these women horribly. After the debate, he said that was the only issue he didn't cover because Chelsea Clinton was in the room and he didn't want to offend her.

Do you think he should do this?

I personally think this is a low blow and disrepectful. It has NOTHING to do with the issues of THIS election and it only brings up old wounds that should be left alone. Obviously Hillary stayed, so it should not even be brought up; infidelity is a very sensitive subject. Plus, I find it hypocritical that a man who cheated on both of his wives would have the nerve to use infidelity against the person who was cheated on!

Thoughts please :)

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