Blocked Fallopian Tube! 😢

I had an ectopic pregnancy (2014) and I lost my right tube. 
My left tube is blocked! It was tested thru HSG that it's dilated & obstructed. It was very sad moment of my life 😭. It's <a href="">IVF</a> is the only option but not for us. I think it's too much. I'm still 35 years old & I am still trying to heal my body. I've been working out in 30 minutes 7X a week & eating healthy meals.  
I heard about Radiant Wonder website and I ordered free flow & cinnamon poria. It's a Chinese herbal to help unblock the Fallopian tubes. Has anyone had a successful pregnancy  after taking that Chinese herbal? I hope to hear a word. God bless!Â