My Birth Story

Stephanie • Boyfriend: 12/29/2014 - Forever :) Baby Boy - 09/25/2016 and pregnant with baby #2 due 11/20/2017

I had a really long labor.. With contractions starting on Thursday, September 22. I went to the hospital on September 23, just to be sent home. They said they wouldn't be surprised to see me back in a day or two though. Sunday at 5am I was in so much pain I couldn't stand it, so I had my boyfriend take me to the hospital.

I've had false contractions before, and we would always stop to get something to eat before going to the hospital. I was really hungry, but this time I just REALLY wanted to go to the hospital. I knew it was real and this was really happening because I never turn down food hahaha!

We got to the hospital at 6am and I was 2cm dilated, compared to Friday when I was only 1cm. They decided to keep me for an hour to see if I would progress more. My contractions had me in tears so they checked me a little less than an hour later. I was at 3cm. They decided to admit me and start the epidural.

Originally, I wanted to go all natural. But I had been begging for epidural since my first real contraction on Thursday, lol! Natural birth is not for me!! Epidural was my best friend :D

Anyway, I had my son 12 hours later! I was told to start pushing at 6pm and I had my son at 6:40pm!!

Born at 39 weeks and 3 days. September 25, 2016. 6lbs 11oz, 19.5in :)