try try again

So I was married for 7 years and didn't conceive the entire time even after surgery for ovarian cysts (ovaries are fine, thank you) and months on end of clomid (I'm the raging bitch type on it) and long story short we eventually divorced bc he couldn't keep it in his pants. BUT I'm with a new wonderful guy now and he desperately wants kids but I just dunno if I'll ever be able to do that for him. Trying s new fertility specialist this month to see what my odds are but I'm also not too optimistic. And I know I can't afford $10k for <a href="">ivf</a> right now. My periods are like clock work. We have sex basically every chance we get and haven't used protection in 6 months and still NOTHING. I kinda feel like I should cut him loose so he can go find someone who can do this for him. Thoughts?