Plan B

I see so much talk and plenty of jokes about emergency contraceptive so I wanted to share my story. It was about 3 years ago. I was living in another state with some friends of the family. My daughter was 1 year old and I hadn't gone out or done anything without her in a long time. A friend of mine, I'll call her Kelly, grabbed some other friends and decided to go to a smallish bar to shoot pool. I was excited to get out even for a few hours. After being there for a good 2 hours and a few drinks in I was a little lightheaded so stepped out back for some air. 'Kelly' and the others were inside talking with some guys so didn't see me leave. It was then that the annoying guy with a southern drawl who had been relentlessly flirting with me all night appeared. I had made it clear I wasn't interested and each attempt to thwart his advances seemed to fuel his desire to annoy the crap out of me. So when he walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me I was terrified. The music was pounding inside and out and it was dark. My shouts were useless. He flattened me against the back fence and raped me. Right there behind the bar. the bar full of people who could save me had they known. But no one came. I limped to the car and sat. Doors locked. Stunned. How could this happen? I'm an Army veteran. I know jujitsu, hand to hand combat, I kickbox for Gods sake. But it did. Once home 'Kelly' made me go to the police. I went but was treated as if it was no big deal. I called the bar and spoke the owner. No cameras, nothing he could do. So I went to the hospital, desparate for a shower. They simply gave me a Plan B pill and logged the rape in some database. Another statistic. The next few days were Hell. Not just because I had been raped. no. Because the pill tore up my insides. I was sick and cramping. I was sweating all over and wanted death. It was terrible. I'm glad the rape did not end in pregnancy. But that pill is nothing to joke about. It causes serious damage to your body and the reason why it's available is not because you and your boyfriend are simply not ready to be parents. Use a condom, take birthcontrol pills, the shot, whatever. Please don't rely on Plan B. It's for girls with stories like mine. Real emergencies. And it's awful.