
Looking for a little advice and no negativity!
DH and I are TTC and I just recently have been imputing my data and everything. A little background: LMP started 9-14-16 and ended 9-25-16. I have irregular periods as you can tell. BD: 9-10-16 to 9-13-16 and 9-26-16 to 10-5-16. According to Ovia, my next period is expected to be 10-12-16. It says I should test in 6 days. 
Recent symptoms: CM seems a bit normal (not sure what is best to look for there. Getting mixed answers), major fatigue but I'm choking that up to my having a cold. Constipation. Ick tmi. Slight nausea yesterday and today. 
So with all that being said, would it be worth it to test today or wait it out? Could I possibly be pregnant?